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Feb 19, 2011

How to recruit Master Teachers to urban Schools

The Problem

Urban children are at the mercy of the educators that can help them achieve acceptable standards of learning in urban schools however the old, failed, tried and true test of the pooling and placement of unqualified and low scoring teachers in these already challenged urban schools is not the answer to closing the achievement gap for black children.

The reforming process for building a better receptive urban student population will take the nurturing and specialty of teachers that have mastered the skills of not just teaching but those educators that can foster environments that are open to learning on many levels.

The challenges that urban students and educators are faced with both inside and outside of the classroom are complex; however the teacher who has taken their profession as an educator understands the role they must play in order to get favorable results. Master teachers are known to cultivate environments of learning by using their professional and personable skills they have honed in order to achieve positive outcomes.

The generalized and characteristically based pooling system of educators in urban schools has been anything but fair in regard to educational equality they are riddled with, ineffective teaching methods, low scoring educators; lack of funding and realistically what appears to be a lack of genuine concern by some into an already challenging environment. This has been a proven formula which was destined for failure.

Recruiting Master Teachers

Recruiting master teachers within urban schools has become a national discussion, one that enlists many organizations and educators that are committed to reinventing the roles of old educators that taught the craft of educating our young with passion and promise.

The realistic view of most educators placed within the urban school system with all of its numerous issues of financial cutbacks, unbalanced allocation of funds, the social and economic divide and environmental influences that have only made their ability to educate these children even more complicated has to be considered in the recruitment process. The resistance of strong educators to openly walk into these debilitating circumstances is not easy to do.

As a result of making the teaching profession more inviting to potential master teachers and teachers that are in the field the steps being taken in this country are immense in the sense of reform and well worth it, when we consider all that is at stake!

Some of the steps taken by many of these recruiting organizations include strategies that will help to increase the minority teaching population. Many of these services include possible identification of potential educators with educational assistance programs offered to high schools students. Supportive programs that nurture future educators with strong pedagogy; cultural sensitivity; positive educational ethics; extended training and mentoring services just to name a few; however this is what is needed to recruit and build master teachers.

As with any employer the ability to provide a work environment that is innovative and rewarding to its workforce is significant to building a productive and sound workforce. These methods of recruitment are necessary. These methods of recruitment are exceptional, comprehensive and influential ways to not only entice, enhance and change the recruiting processes of old; it is also a way to retain good educators in urban schools.

The most important point in all of this lies in the fact that the quality of our urban children's education relates directly to the quality of those teaching them. Our children are deserving of it and the work involved in recruiting and maintaining master educators is worth it. These children are our future and they matter!

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